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A New Feel

Recently I have been intrigued by the new trends that have been popular on Pinterest and Instagram. I have been looking to re do my bedroom at home for a while now, and thought that I would give this new style a try. I must say, I really like it! I went from purple walls, to a light grey, and added in some rose gold/copper accent pieces for a little extra colour. I cant say that I am the most girly girl out there, but this room sure does make me feel a lot more feminine. I have found this popular trend to actually been quite relaxing, and I have been feeling as though I have my own little sanctuary. I find these colours to be very calming, and I have also stumbled upon some decor pieces that have really spoken to me and my personal style.

Below is look at my newly redecorated room, as well, information about where I found some wall art!

This is a panorama view of my entire room. (It was hard to fit everything in clearly)

This piece is from Home Sense here in London, ON and it reminds me of a Moroccan vibe. I am really into the floral and paisley patterns recently as you can also see from my bedding- blue and white paisley is my absolute FAV!

This piece is also from Home Sense. I actually picked this up last summer, and thought it had such a girly, summer vibe to it. I knew it would add light and colour to the room.

These two pieces I picked up at a little boutique in Guelph, ON while E and I were just shopping around one Sunday. I originally thought they would hang on the wall to the left of my window, to the right side of my bed (looking straight on), but then decided they would give a little daily inspiration as I looked into my mirror while getting ready.

This piece here is actually a DIY that I created about a week ago. I was struggling to find places to hang all my necklaces without them getting tangled together, and I found this idea on Pinterest. I was doing yard work with E and picked up a few branches, got rose gold spray paint from Canadian Tire, as well as the blue and white pot then added some glue and rocks and TA DA! It will do for now.

This piece here is actually my newest addition, and my most meaningful. E surprised me with this one day after we had spent hours looking around in Indigo. He went back the next day and picked it up as a gift. He said it reminded him of me and the point that I am at in my life right now and thought I could use these positive words to help follow my dreams. This is so special to me because it has so much meaning, and so much passion. I cant thank him enough, for knowing me almost better than I know myself. He truly is amazing.

Last but not least, my babies! I have been caring for these guys for quite some time now. They survived the trip from Guelph, and I recently was at Home Sense (duh- where else) and found this big glass bowl and decided to pot them together. I got some soil, and some rocks from Dollarama, and planted away. The candle is from Urban Outfitters and smells A- mazing! I highly suggest you check it out! The little black rocks below my succulents are from the black sand beach in Vik, Iceland. Just a little reminder of the great adventure E and I got to experience together!

Heres a list of other items in my room, seen in the panorama:

Sea urchins (as E calls them)- Home Sense

Bedding- Home Sense/ Marshalls

Desk- My friend Kira gave it to me and I believe its from Ikea, or a Thrift store

Chair- Teppermans

Blanket- Home Sense

Concrete Lamp- Lowe's Home Improvement warehouse

Wall Mirror- Home Sense

Laundry Basket- Home Sense

Carpet- Costco

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